here are a couple of quick ratings for movies i watched over this weekend.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
quick halloween movie ratings
Saturday, October 29, 2005
mars comes close

Mars will be the closest to Earth for only the second time in 60,000 years. Mars is usually 140 million miles away from Earth but will be only 43.1 million miles away from Earth tonight at 11:25pm EDT. UFO reports often increase during close approaches the Earth. take a look outside tonight and look for the red planet.

i went to Hollywood Video last night and rented a bunch of movies for Halloween. the HV near the Lincoln Mall is having a Grand Opening special of 99 cents a movie. last night i watched Piranha the Spawning. it was staged at an island resort probably in Jamaica. a government ship had sunk off shore. the ship contained canisters of genenticaly altered pirahna. these piranha could fly and they were super aggressive. they would clamp down on a victims neck and munch away. a young, skinny Lance Hendriksen was the water patrol officer. i don't recommend spending money on the movie.
i also watched Nightmare on Elm Street for the first time. i was always afraid i would be scared out of my mind if i saw the movie but Maniac Mike convinced me to see it. it was a good movie but not scarey at all. i liked the nightmare sequences and the psychological aspects of the movie. i can't see me being a Freddie Krueger fanantic as he's just another character to me, but Maniac Mike loves the movies and thinks Freddie is cool. still, it was an enjoyable creepy movie.
Piranha II //
Nightmare on Elm Street ////
sexologist dream
Friday, October 28, 2005
pizza dream
Thursday, October 27, 2005
jury duty
busy day at the libary (sic)
the beast of bray road

Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
it was a cold and rainy night, again
i missed this but a cocircworker told me about a patron that checked out some materials. the woman was carrying a baby in a cloth pouch in front of her and the baby was sucking on a fake, rubber tit! no kidding. i cannot make these things up. my coworker had to look twice, even though she really didn't want to. how gross it that? a fake rubber tit. the baby unsucked itself from it and the rubber tit looked just like a breast, fake nipple and all. now, how is the mother going to explain to her son, when he's 15 or 16 that he had a fake tit for a pacifier? and has she taken pictures of him with it in his mouth? gross. those le leeches league (sic) mothers are just nuts. i raised my kid on formula and he turned out just fine. the leeches would have one believe that a kid who wasn't breastfed until he was 5 will turn out to be a serial killer and catch all kinds of foul diseases. i'll tell you the main reason i didn't breastfeed was that i wanted to take my medication because without the medication, my kid would have never gotten RAISED at all.
Monday, October 24, 2005
seventh, and last, celebrity crush (thank God!)

Starbuck. Dirk Benedict. either/or. this is kind of a throw-in. i don't really have a seventh celebrity crush. this is the best i could come up with. i did once think he was HOT, but i also once though Jack Nicholson was hot, and Carl Sagan was hot. well, i can't say that i wouldn't pass up some naked pics of the Dirkster. i'd take them. might take him, too. ya never know!
sixth celebrity crush

another reason why i had such a crush on him for awhile was because he reminded me of my old boyfriend. he kind of looked like him and spoke like him and was a little odd, like him, but my boyfriend did not buy the alien crap. he just thought i was nuts. and so i AM!
fifth celebrity crush

Rob Zombie. what a name, what a face, what a voice, what an act, what a director! i love his music and his theatrics. he gets my blood to boiling. did you see House of a Thousand Corpses yet? no? well, get youself down to Hollywood Video and rent it, baby. then, go to Newbury Comics and buy the sountrack. i haven't seen the Devil's Rejects but i have the soundtrack (which i have't listened to yet, duh!). it was pulled from theatres around your area, too? it was too BLOODY and GOREY but that's just great horror, eh? and i bet there was no wimpy-ass runny red blood in his movie. i hate runny blood.
fourth celebrity crush

Michio Kaku. he's a physicist. a genius. i love to hear him on Coast with Art Bell. fascinating stuff. he has written one of my all time favorite books Hyperspace. he can explain physics so us dumbells can understand it. he LOVES his work, you can just hear it in his voice. see, my crushes are not just about 'looks', or actors, but fascinating people, too. oh, he is kinda cute in a scientific sorta way.
third celebrity crush

Sirius Black! oh, yummy. an escaped prisoner...seems to be a theme in my love life. he's not, technically a celebrity, but a character, but let us not get too technical here. the Order of the Phoenix was an awesome book, but remember what happened to poor Sirius? i won't tell in case you haven't read it (and why not!?). i like scraggly men as long as they don't smell bad and really, he would clean up rather nicely. and he's a little warped and bitter, but that's okay, too. i could make him forget those Dementors and all those years in Azkaban.
first of seven celebrity crushes

Brent Spiner is my biggest celebrity crush. yes, it started with Data but soon progressed to the actual actor. he's not handsome in a hunky way, a little geeky even, but he practically made me swoon. ha. not so much anymore, since i've met my husband, but i wouldn't pass up a make-out session...are we too old for that? nah!
what i did today: nothing!
check these out
Sunday, October 23, 2005
i'll try this one more time

this is a test

this is just a test! okay, i am totally computer illiterate. i did not know how to download/upload pictures or clip art or anything. so, i called Hinoserm and he told me how to do this. okay, it's not spectacular, but i managed it! so, i'll try to have more pics on this blog in the future. i like picture blogs alot as long as they have some commentary, so i know what i am looking at. this pumpkin is free microsoft clipart. it's just a test and i don't like the white background, but i wanted you to see what i first saw. i'm pretty proud of myself considering what a computer dolt i am. Maniac Mike is going to buy me a digital camera for 'christmas/yule', so i can take some pics of my surroundings. i'm pretty 'glad' for that. thanks for the help, Hinoserm!
pumpkin photos
seven random facts about me
- i had spinal meningitis when i was 8 years old.
- i've had a loaded, double-barrelled shotgun pointed at me with the hammer cocked.
- i have my sister's 30 year old gallstones in a jar.
- i raised and loved a prairie dog.
- i learned to read and write before i went to kindergarten.
- i went to high school in Hawaii (McKinley High...GO TIGERS!)
- i'm Polish and proud of it.
vampire jokes
vampire jokes (answers in tiny print):
- What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?
- Why did the vampire cross the road?
- Why is the vampire so unpopular?
- What do vampires take for bad colds?
1. frost bite 2.Cross? Cross?! Did someone say cross?! 3. He's a pain-in-the-neck 4. coffin drops
Saturday, October 22, 2005
lame jokes and quiche
another: the cannibal passed his brother in the woods. pah-dum-dum.
we spent a good chunk of the day at work reading from a joke book a coworker brought in. it was a lot of fun. another coworker brought in quiche, bacon and orange juice and the children's librarian brought in strawberries and home fries her husband made. so, we had a FANTASTIC breakfast for our first break of the day. yum. this is the advantage to working on OUR saturdays. we have two teams and we are the A-Team. we work every other weekend. then we have the next friday, saturday and sunday off. not to shabby. this coming week is my short week AND i have Halloween off so i have a four day 'weekend'. yeah. sometimes, on rare occasions, i do like my job.
Friday, October 21, 2005
long day
Thursday, October 20, 2005
blog on!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
seven things i can do
- pat my head and rub my tummy
- remember my high school Alma Mater
- say "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"
- speak/write japanese a little
- turn my feet out ankle to ankle
- walk and chew gum at the same time
- practice lucid dreaming
seven things i can't do
Seven Things I Cannot Do:
- juggle
- calculus
- drive a stick shift
- speak fluent japanese
- win at Monopoly
- eat a raw egg
- denounce Our Lady
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
pass the sacremental wine...burp
and what DID happen to the silly bitch? not a damn thing. only in RI.
Monday, October 17, 2005
seven things i say most often
these are The Seven Things I Say Most Often...
-, this, that, off, him/her/them.
- freakin', as in "that freakin' bitch was too cheap to pay her 10 cent fine!"
- what the fuck!? as an expression of disbelief and bewilderment.
- yeah, right, whatever.
- i love my husband.
- "Circulation" when answering the phone at work 500 freakin' times a day.
- to Hinoserm: "my computer is......." messed up, not connecting to the internet, deleting my file!, making a funny noise, beeping in the middle of the night for no reason, broken, giving me a strange message, down, off and how do i turn it back on?, on and should i turn it off?
words to live by!
Sunday, October 16, 2005
seven things that scare me
- aliens. especially the kind called the Greys/Grays. the ones that look like emaciated insects, with big black almond shaped eyes. the ones that appear in my bedroom at night to fuck with my head, soul and body. yeah, THEM. you seen them, too?
- snakes. they don't have to big, they don't have to be poisonous. they just have to be snakes.
- the ocean and any deep body of water. this has been a problem since i have lived in the Ocean State and thus feared the Atlantic and i have lived in Hawaii and thus feared the Pacific.
- Mad Cow Disease. have you ever seen a mad cow? they're pretty scary.
- flying. in a plane. when i was a young girl, i wanted to be an airline pilot. i loved flying to and from Hawaii. then, in '84, i had a panic attack on a flight to France and i have been shakey about flying ever since.
- never seeing my pets again. no afterlife, no "heaven" where we can be reunited with loved ones. if there is a heaven and my pets aren't there, i don't wanna go. but, i believe in St Francis and i believe that everything God creates finds it's way back to God. i hope.
- this is the BIG fear...losing my son, my husband or my sister. i can't even contemplate that. i won't contemplate it, either.
so, what are the seven things that scare YOU?
stealing seven things
what's wrong with me?
Saturday, October 15, 2005
- a split CD The Addicts/Vice Squad 'Live + Loud'
- the Distillers self titled
- Switchblade Symphony 'The Three Calamities'
- Epoxies 'Stop the Future'
- the Slits 'Cut'
- UK Subs 'the singles 1978-1982'
- the Casualties 'On The Front Line'
- Anti-Flag 'Their System Doesn't Work for You'
- Horrorpops 'Bring It On'
- Sleater-Kinney 'Call the Doctor'
- the Devil's Rejects soundtrack
- Rock Against Bush volumes 1 and 2
- Sepultura 'Chaos AD'
not a bad haul. so, in 2 days at Newbury Comics, i spent $210. that Guys Gone Wild thingy put me over the top. gee. i wonder if he'll give me ANOTHER allowance? Maniac Mike did like what i bought. he kinda chuckled at the guy thing. why is it a little harder for men to understand that straight women like to look at naked MEN and not other naked women? WHY o WHY would i want to look at naked women? sheesh.
music allowance all gone
Friday, October 14, 2005
medicine chest
*okele is Hawaiian for ass.
i went out and came back in
it's another weird morning. i feel strange. shakey and not quite in my body. like part of me is peeking out. it has been a terrible week. i still have a fever and i still feel shitty. the lymph nodes in my throat area are sore and swollen. i'm so happy to have this day off. no work and no visit. i would like to get to the post office and the bank, but i think i'll leave that til tomorrow and just chill today. i need to be chilled.
a new Dreamland this week...Guardians of the Holy Grail!
zine alert
Thursday, October 13, 2005
blood test
done blogsurfing and i'm all wet
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Hinoserm helped
home again
i tried to call in...
all the blogs in the world!
every sperm is sacred
and destruction to save a nation;
but no nation will devote itself to
death and destruction to save
--Samuel Taylor Coleridge--
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
i don't feel like it
i'm having a cup of Irish Breakfast tea direct from Dublin via Stop and Shop. i'm having it with raw turbinado sugar and a dollop of half and half. my husband already called me once this morning around 8am. i remember a bit of the conversation which is good, since i usually remember nothing or even less. he'll call me again in about a half hour. he spends about $350 on phone calls a month. this is far better than the $500 or $600 he paid when he was in Florida. if i were to start a business, it would be correctional calling because i would be rolling in other people's dough. it is a HUGE business. you know who else makes money off the prison system? Bob Barker. yep. The Price is Right guy. he sells mini shampoo bottles and soap to the prison industrial complex to sell to inmates. i never liked Barker even though he does good for cats and dogs. i just thought there was something creepy about him. and how could anyone stay with one project for so long? wouldn't you want to move on, or retire or SOMETHING. how many boob flapping, white trash talking women does he need to fondle (ok, i've never seen him fondle a CONTESTANT) before he has enough? i would of made my money and been out of there toot-sweet.
all those game show hosts are creepy. Alex Trebec? does he still live with mommy? and the guy that now hosts Hollywood Squares (now there's a lame bit of unentertainment)....whats his name? Tom Bergeron? i used to watch him in the 80's when he was hosting People Are Talking out of Boston. i like him then. then he started to pop up everywhere, and he's not aging well and voila, game show freak. going from a decent talk show to Americas Funniest Videos to a game show is going the wrong way in life.
i have a shower ritual. i don't think about it, i just do it. it varies little. i always shower when i get home from work. if i'm not going to leave the house again, i shower. i shower at night. i rarely shower in the morning because i am always running late in the morning and i would rather sleep for 5 more minutes.
before the water is ever turned on, i check my supplies. new razor, paper towels for wiping the floor, soap, washcloth, towel, scrubby mitt, shampoo, Q-tips, deodorant, powder and perfume. all in place. good. now i can turn on the water.
i may light a scented candle.
i brush my teeth.
i test the water to make sure it's not too hot or too cold. i step into the shower. shampoo first, soap up, scrub, rinse. done. step out onto paper towels and begin drying from the top down. put my long hair up with a big clippy thing, shave whatever needs shaving. put on Degree Shower Clean deodarant and baby powder. clean my ears with Q-tips. pluck whatever needs plucking. check for zits. walk to the bedroom and put on PJ's. towel dry hair. done. squeaky clean (and exhausted).
except tonight, i didn't have my scrubby mitt! oh GOD, the horror! i buy scrubby mitts at the dollar store a few at a time, so i usually have one on hand. i use one a week. i forgot that i threw the last one away yesterday and i forgot to go to the dollar store. so, there was no scrubbing in my routine tonight and boy do i feel dirty. sigh. there's nothing like removing dead skin to make one feel good.
please send condolences. thanks.
blog surfing
not into anime, techobabble, "princesses", bible thumping, gamers, sports, and superhappy people.
i like misery, friskiness, freaks, bibliophiles, some erotica, punks, goths, people MY age, working stiffs, animal lovers, computer illiterates, left wing nutcases, free speechers, swearers, weirdos, the everyman/woman, and just plain talk. i want to hear about how sucky your job is and how fucked up your life can be and all the little things that make up a day in the life. tell me what you found on the sidewalk while walking from your car to your front door. tell me who fucked you over and how you plan to get back at them. tell me your favorite flavours, favorite tunes, favorite positions, favorite things. write like you talk. don't be somebody else. be YOU. just a thought.
Monday, October 10, 2005
the orphans and the homeless; whether
the mad destruction is wrought under
the name of totalitarianism or the holy
name of liberty or democracy?
unsafe bloggin
i'm having a cup of tea in one of my many mugs. i was thinking about all the "collections" i have. geez, i collect a lot of junk. no wonder i have no room for anything in my 4 room apartment.
- mugs. i am drinking out of a mug from the American Museum of Natural History. i usually pay no more than 50 cents for a mug and i have gotten most of them from Aunt Sally's. my favorite mug is black with funky penguins on it that my son found at a yard sale for 10 CENTS!
- stickers, papers, scissors and general mail art stuff
- punk music, of course
- penguins, double of course. my mother-in-law just sent a penguin statue and some ornaments from Kansas City. the statue features a mom or dad and baby. one of the baby's flippers broke off! the largest penguin i have is about 2 feet tall, plastic, from Newbury Comics. his name is CP which stands for Corporation Penguin. my son named him from a Beatles song.
- candles...especially Yankee Candles. i love the Witches Brew halloween scent and color (black).
- pumpkin tealight holders. i have them displayed on my Halloween Bedroom windowsill and when they are all lit up, it's quite beautiful. i have 12 of them.
- Halloween items, natch!
- pillowcases...Disney, Spongebob, etc
- silver jewelry, white gold and platinum. my sister and our prairie dog would shop QVC for me and they both had great taste in jewelry. i especially like gemstone rings and earrings. i have a couple of charm bracelets. i do LOVE charms. my favorite charms are a prairie dog and jack-o-lantern with a hinged lid which was the first charm i was given. my son bought it for me many years ago.
- books. UFO books. books to alter. vampire novels. i don't buy many books because i work in a library and read my favorite fiction authors stuff out of borrowed books. i buy non-fiction from the library account, or, Barnes and Noble or Amazon. there is a second hand store that i frequent called Second Hand Looks. i no longer will shop at Borders because they totally fucked up the Harry Potter release!
- Fortean Times Magazines
- Fukagawa Porcelain...the grape leaf pattern
- postcards. i send them to my husand. try for fun!
- journals and blank books. can never seem to entirely fill one before i move on to another.
- lollipops. this is a fairly recent obsession. i have all kinds of them. my favorites are: skeletal hands with a red pop, lollipops with realistic candy spiders in them, light up star shaped pops and Chupa Chups yogurt flavored pops. i bought some marijuana flavored pops at Newbury Comics and they are gross. blech! i don't know WHAT i was thinking!
- childrens board books. i have a project in mind for them...something like the project. or i'll use them as journals or send them out for a mail art project.
- japanese bands, preferably punk bands.
well, that's about it. i'm sure i left something out. i really need to curb my collections. they are getting out of hand!
another day
i'm listening to an old broadcast from unknowncountry with Ray Fowler, a Ufologist from Massachusetts. i guess he has a new book out. how did i miss that one? my ufo/alien book collection is pretty big and i try to get them as they come out. i have been waiting for Strieber to publish his next book which is supposed to be about the Grays. this show is about Ray's book and synchronicity. i love synchronicities. sometimes they freak me out but most of the time, they "feel" good.
here's a weird one: on July 4th 1997, i ran out of gas coming home from work. this has NEVER happened to me before. Never and hasn't happened again since. this was in RI. i was single at the time and wouldn't meet my husband until 2002. on the very same day in Florida, Mike ran out of gas running from his 7/11 heist. this lead to him going to prison and us getting together. bizarre yet, elegant. was it meant to be?
i stopped by Hollywood video on the way home and rented some movies. i have five.
- Cup of My Blood a seemingly random accident leaves photographer Jack Fender in possesion of one of Christianity's most Holy Relics. He must confront Evil's relentless assault of blood, murder and deceit for the preservation of the faith and the salvation of his soul."
- Creepies deadly spiders, military, weapons of mass destruction, demolishing cities.
- Human Nature inspired by a true story "HM documents the shocking life of a married man who abducts and tortures women in his garage, while keeping his wife, who longs for his attention, in the dark."
- The Beast of Bray Road based on a true story "for years an unidentified creature (werewolf) hunted the backwoods of Walworth County. then one night, it came to town."
- The Revolting Dead "an ancient evil rises only for revenge."
so, i have them until friday. i did want the new Amityville Horror but they were out. i think these will keep me entertained and no, these will not give me nightmares. only alien movies and some ghost stories give me nightmares. even Close Encounters of the Third Kind still freaks me out.
home again
now back to the subject: Maniac Mike had a Coke and some pretzels and we talked and held hands like we always do. the visit takes place in a big room with individual tables that can sit four. we must sit across from each other and cannot touch each other above the elbows. we get one kiss and a hug at the start of the visit and another kiss and hug at the end. the visits SUCK big time. he is in Medium Security but it is run more like a Max facility. tonights visit lasted from 6pm to 8:30pm. visits are either at 1pm, 4pm or 6pm and change during the week. visitors have a dress code to follow and we must pass through a metal detector. occasionally, they'll spring a random drug test on us, usually around a major holiday. it is all very tedious.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
name deleted
if you want to "see" the library and what is going on, you can find us at (deleted). we have many programs and we are always busy doing something. we badly need a new library and more space. we service Lincoln and several other nearby towns where patrons prefer our service to their own town libraries...many of them have NEW facilities. between 300 to 700 patrons walk through our doors almost daily and we are part of the Clan network that allows libraries to share materials via interlibrary loans.
i have to say that i do enjoy my work, though i long for retirement but that is mostly because i deal with illness daily and some days are killer. it is hard, physical work and taxing on the brain and dealing with the public, especially a public that believes everything in the library is donated and, therefore, not worth any care because it's FREE, is very difficult. ("fines? FINES!!!????) but, it all works out, somehow.