Thursday, October 13, 2005

blood test

hi. i'm home. i had a blood test taken. i hated it. i can take a shot. i LOVE my b12 shots and i love the Novacaine needle that the dentist shoots into your gums to numb ya up. as long as i don't look at the needles, they don't bother me. i even had one of those nerve tests..MME's or something, where they shove long needles in your arm and hands (or legs and feet) to see if you have nerve damage and zap you with an electric jolt. i told the doc, as long as i never see a needle, i'll be fine. so, i kept my eyes closed and i swear it didn't hurt a bit. both my sister and my husband had the same test done and both said it hurt like fucking hell. my husband said he wanted to kick the doc in the balls so bad. but, didn't bother me. i used to hate IV's, too but, again, as long as i don't look, i'm okay and i have learned to love the Regaln IV's. had a biopsy on my thyroid, fine. no pain. but that fucking hurts and makes me dizzy and shakey and i feel like i slide right outta my body. slip! hate it. always have. it's the one needle i can't tolerate. i know it goes back to when i was 8 and in the hospital for meningitis. (never get a spinal tap!! NEVER!). a bitchy, mean nasty nurse vampire came in to take my blood, put the needle in, forgot to secure the tube and blood spurted all over me. and she was nasty about it, like it was my fault. shit, i nearly DIED form meningitis and here this bitch nurse is ragging on me for her stupidity. ha! anyway, i was fine today but i never get the cute kiddie bandaids anymore!

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