Saturday, October 29, 2005


i went to Hollywood Video last night and rented a bunch of movies for Halloween. the HV near the Lincoln Mall is having a Grand Opening special of 99 cents a movie. last night i watched Piranha the Spawning. it was staged at an island resort probably in Jamaica. a government ship had sunk off shore. the ship contained canisters of genenticaly altered pirahna. these piranha could fly and they were super aggressive. they would clamp down on a victims neck and munch away. a young, skinny Lance Hendriksen was the water patrol officer. i don't recommend spending money on the movie.

i also watched Nightmare on Elm Street for the first time. i was always afraid i would be scared out of my mind if i saw the movie but Maniac Mike convinced me to see it. it was a good movie but not scarey at all. i liked the nightmare sequences and the psychological aspects of the movie. i can't see me being a Freddie Krueger fanantic as he's just another character to me, but Maniac Mike loves the movies and thinks Freddie is cool. still, it was an enjoyable creepy movie.

Piranha II //
Nightmare on Elm Street ////

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