hey ho boys and girls. i can't believe it's almost 2:30 on my day off and i haven't posted yet. what is wrong with me, you might ask? let's see: iron deficiency anemia, pernicious anemia, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, migraines, PCOS, impaired blood sugar, CFID's, Fybromyalgia, erythromelalagia (very rare), posttraumatic stress syndrome, fibroids, colitis, and a general pain in the ass. but that's not why i haven't posted. i haven't posted because i am LAZY.
on the front page of the ProJo the other day, there was a photo of a family with 16 children! SIXTEEN! the baby maker (wife) had just given birth to the 16th. no one, NO ONE, in this day and age, should have the right to have so many kids. personally, any couple with more than one and a half kids should learn to keep their legs together and their pecker in their pants! so there! or, here's a novel idea, use birth control. or self control. we complain about welfare mothers being a drain on society...and you don't think one family with 16 brats isn't going to put a drain on or resources? oh, just so you know, the family was white as white can be. didn't read the article, but i bet they're Catholic. we Catholics love to produce. God forbid that the pope should think we were using birth control. nope, we'll show him...see...7 kids and no CONTROL! yippee. Every Sperm is Sacred!
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