Friday, October 14, 2005

medicine chest

i've been looking through my extensive medicine chest, reading the labels to see if the Ativan label has changed from "take one tablet by mouth twice a day" to "crush twelve tablets and snort through straw several times a day". nope, hasn't changed. why do they need to put take one tablet BY MOUTH? how else would you take a tablet? i once had Compazine suppositories that said NOT TO BE TAKEN BY MOUTH on a big label which made sense because some people may not remember that a suppository goes up your, um, okole. but how else would you take a tablet? take one tablet and shove it in your eye? take one tablet in your left hand and run around the block 3 times, naked then ram it in your ear? no, take by mouth. oh. thanks for telling me. i woulda never figured that one out.
by the way, can you snort Ativan?

*okele is Hawaiian for ass.

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