Monday, October 17, 2005


since i've been blogging, i've noticed that i tend to think in blog-thought. i think in short, personal paragraphs about situations and experiences throughout my day. this is very annoying as most of the day, i cannot get to a computer or even a notebook. so, i may think in blog-thought, but i remember very little and when i do sit down to write in my blog, it's all a blogfog. also, i try to turn every little, mundane situation into a blog post. for instance, i wrote a whole blog post in my head about the wonders of Prevacid, the horror off "coffee-pain" and endoscopy just because i had a little heartburn. i wrote a little vignette about how busy the staff bathroom is with 14 women (and one man) on the staff and how every time i needed to 'go' this morning, it was occupied. seemed interesting at the time, but REALLY?
i guess this is the biggest downfall about blogging. us bloggers might think we need to include every single incident and random thought in our blogs. i don't want to fall into that trap. it is hard work editing blog-thought and trying to determine what i want to write about and what i think the blogee wants to read. not easy, is it?

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