Sunday, October 16, 2005

stealing seven things

well, it's almost time for me to leave for our 4pm visit. i just wanted you folks to know that, when i get back, i plan on plagiarising from the blog he has a column called "seven things i...." that looks like it was awfully fun to do. so i'm gonna do it. but not now. no, later. because now i have to get out of my pj's and into some street clothes to go and visit my huband. i just wanted to give onkroes (steve) a chance to press charges for stealing. please convict me and put me in my husbands cell. or atleast the cell next door. we can pass love notes back and forth, and he can show me how to make a shiv out of a toilet paper roll and we could raise a pet spider named Spot and we would get visits from my son and i wouldn't have to go to WORK! oh, what a happy little family we would be.

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