Sunday, October 09, 2005

medicate me!

well, now is the time to (drumroll please) take my medication. ahhhhh. yes. tonight and every night i take several meds...and then several more meds in the morning. the night meds include Cymbalta: an antidepresant i take to combat pain and fatigue from Fybromialgia. Seroquel: an anti-psychotic to battle the aliens and help me sleep. Gabitril: this also helps with pain and sleep. Benydril: to combat side effects from the Seroquel that also helps with sleep. oh, and sometimes i throw in an Ativan if i feel shakey but since i have already taken 2 tonight, i won't take another.
now, in the morning i take, Ultram: a pain med and Mobic: a pain med and an Ativan. i may also take Reglan if i am nauseaus, Midrin if i have a migraine, Tylenol if i have a fever, Prevacid for reflux disease and or Lidoderm patches placed on painful body parts to ease pain.
this medicine is covered under me medical plan at work (through my Union). i would be spending close to $900 a month for meds without the plan. with it, i spend $95. i am damn lucky to have medical coverage. this is what i work for. the pay sucks for the work i do, but the medical benefits are good. my premium is $40 a week which doesn't include the premium for medication and dental, but it is nominal and i am HAPPY to pay it.

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