Sunday, October 09, 2005

one more time

this is my second attempt at a BLOG. i hacve not done well in the past. this will either be decent or a total fuck up. can i be flagged for saying "fuck-up"? i don't know how "freedom of speech" works on these blogs. i haven't read many yet but so far no one else has used the F word. i LOVE the F word. i say it a few dozen times a day. there is no other word like it...nothing that has so much force behind it. i use the F word most at work (under my breath) and while driving (sometimes partnered with the finger). the other words i use while driving are jerk, asswipe, moron and dingleberry. my license plate begins with FY, which i LOVE to think means F you! how did i get so lucky? and did the inmate who made my plate get a chuckle out of it and wonder if the new owner would be pleased with it? Yep, i am. very pleased!

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