the movie begins in the 1600's, in Boston, where the Warlock is being kept in chains, in a tower to wait his execution. a mysterious devilish wind blows in, sweeps up the Warlock who is then, somehow, sent into the future...the eighties in LA no less. here he starts his mayhem, chopping off fingers and biting out tongues and hexing people to make them age 20 years a day. he finds a channeler, who helplessly channels the devil. the warlock asks the devil what he can do to become his favorite and the devil tells him to find the Grand Grimoire...a witches spell book that will reveal the true name of god. when the name of god is spoken backwords, all of creation will be undone. whew.
so, off goes the warlock on his merry way. meanwhile, Redfern, the witch finder from 1600's Boston, who was to execute the warlock, is also sent to the future...i guess by the same whirlwind. he hooks up with 'the girl' and her old Mustang and they go off t0 stop the Warlock from obtaining the Grand Grimoire. mayhem ensues.
Julian was perfectly nasty. he would have made a wonderful Lucius Malfoy. the movie was not good for many reasons but the big one, for me was the awful portrayal of "witchery" as evil and the dumb things that witches are supposed to do. i know it's just a movie, but because i am married to a witch, these things bother me. for one thing, it is an insult of the highest order to call a male witch a warlock. Maniac Mike hates the word. a male witch is called a witch. the dumb thing that bothered me most: witches cannot tolerate salt. they flee from it and it will kill them. nope. wrong. salt is an essential part of a witches altar/worship/rituals. salt (and saltwater) is used to concecrate objects and to caste circles and pentagrams. there are a ton of other no-no's in the movie. i wish someone would film a movie that would portray witches as they really are, not like old, warty crones (the Wicked Witch) or bubble headed fairies (Glenda the good witch). seems like hollywood can only portray them in the extremes.
oh well. i only watched the movie to drool and i did!
He played a great freak in Boxing Helena. Have you seen that one?
no, i haven't but i will rent it next. thanks!
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