Monday, January 16, 2006

Hinoserm travelling

Hinoserm is travelling to Sacramento tonight on Southwest. he left TF Green around 4:30pm and should be in Sacramento around 11pm. he is supposed to call to let us know he made it okay. he is going to attend some sort of convention for Second Life or Ginkosoft or something. something computer-y and technical. something far too complicated for me to grasp.
he's still in the air, hopefully in the plane.
a few words to my computer: do not do anything funky while Hino is away. if you stop working, i will be very angry and i will kick you in whatever-computer-equivalent-to-nuts you have. i am not adverse to setting you on fire, either. mess with me and i will tell on you! i may have to replace your ink cartridges myself. deal with it. and stop making those odd beeping noises at 2 in the morning when i am just about to fall into a really deep sleep. they scare me. i think it's the smoke alarm. (you do that on purpose, don't you?) and those clicking noises i hear all night're looking at porno sites. i just know you are! haven't caught you yet, but i will. now, be nice to me and we both might just survive Hino's absence.

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