have you ever found a blog you really liked, read it weekly, if not daily...really got into it and had great respect for the writer? then, one day, they post a picture of themselves and it just ruins everything! all your preconceptions go down the tubes. their lousy pic just does not match their good writing.
i also would prefer my favorite authors to remain anonymous. i don't want to see your ugly mug on the back of your excellent book. can't you just let me have my little fantasy, dude? wouldn't you rather i 'believe' you're a stud rather than 'know' that you're not?
also, today i found a blog with a post "Today, i joined LA Weight Loss". the very next day/post had a picture of a very obese woman and in the blog entry was this sentence, "I don't think i have lost any weight yet." er...in ONE day? then she went on to say that she didn't really know because she didn't weigh herself that day, oh, and she ate lunch at Subway and dinner at Pizza Hut, oh, but she walked about a mile and a half, so, maybe, she did lose some weight after all. WHAT?! WHAT!!??
some bloggers make me crazy.
PS. don't expect any pics of me anytime this century! trust me. i am doing you a favor!
Oh, that's so true about the photos! Here's one that gets me. Dean Koontz has a photo of him and his damn dog on more than half the jackets. You write horror fiction, Dude! Don't put cutesy pics of you and your dog-love on the book! And try not to look so wussy, would ya? You're a HORROR FICTION writer and need to look more like Stephen King!
Or Danielle Steel and her enormous grass skirt on a beach somewhere. What the hell?
Photographers are laughing their asses off about the really bizarre pictures they take of authors. It's surreal, sometimes.
ug! Danielle Steel pics are the worst ever. on the cover of The Klone and I (or whatever it's called) she has a pic showing her standing next to herself. it is really creepy.
last year, a Danielle Steel book was listed on the high school reading list! ug!
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