Saturday, January 07, 2006

got a smoke?

i forgot to write about this yesterday. i went out to buy some dinners at Ye Olde English Fish and Chips. as i was walking along the sidewalk, a big, blue very late model clunker pulls into the handicap spot. an old woman, who looked like she had been through the mill, got out and approached two teenage girls who were clearly Ye Olde workers, sitting on the stoop. one was smoking. the old lady went up to the girl who was smoking and gruffly asked, "do you have a cigarette i can have?" the young lady said that she was sorry, but her pack was in the restaurant and that she was on her break. the old lady said nothing more, got back in her clunker, started it up and drove away.
okay. odd behavior. does this woman just drive around searching for someone who is smoking just to bum a cigarette? or, is this the usual for her? does she stop here when this girl is on break just to bum a smoke? it seemed like the girl was familiar with her. gosh, people are screwy!

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