Maniac Mike and i had a nice little visit. the vending machines worked (all but the Pepsi machine...it would be too much to ask to have all the machines working). there were lots of new products in the machines, but MM had a dinner of fried clams so he was pretty full. they get fried clams once in a while. it is the best dinner that the chow hall serves. it also comes with onion rings. most of the meals are pretty awful, though breakfast is usually okay.
anyway, i saw that they had these new Hershey's Kissables, so i bought a pack. i saw them in an ad somewhere and MM saw them on tv. they look like little Parchesi or Sorry game pieces. i thought they looked vaguely obscene. i did not like them as much as i like M&M's.
the Blind Chester had a visit today. nothing is as bewilderingly disgusting as a blind man that molests kids. tell me that that is not freaky. this idiot is about the size of a middle schooler, has a distorted face and messed up eyes like they were improperly placed in each eye socket. one is sunken in, one pops out. he is not allowed to wear dark glasses but he is allowed his blind man's can. the perv that rooms with him 'takes care of him' probably for whatever he can get from the Blind Chester. i can't figure out how a blind man finds kids to molest. HOW?
there is a very large woman that visits an inmate from time to time. she always wears the same clothes: a pink t-shirt and brown pants. this woman is over 6 feet tall and must weigh in at 400. she is far bigger than Mr Big Ass, but she doesn't stink and she's in her late 20's. today, she sat behind us and through most of the visit she spoke VERY loudly so we could easily hear her 'conversation'. really, she did all the talking. she was telling the inmate the story of Little Red Riding Hood! no shit! the wolf, the woodsman, grandma and little red walkin through the forest. WHY?
kind of a slow night. no one to really make fun of. oh well, there is always tomorrow!
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