ever since the Snackwell's vienna cookies turned up in the prison vending machines, Maniac Mike has been trying to convince me to buy (me) some Snackwell's Devil's Food cookies. he has told me stories of eating boxes of these delicious, cakey, cookies. they are his favorites. he has a lot of favorites. he tries to get me to try them all. well, he sent me a coupon (yes, the big, bad felon clips coupons from the sunday inserts) for the Devil's Food cookies and today, i bought 2 boxes. had to buy 2 to use the $1 off coupon.
as soon as i got home, i ripped open the box and pulled out a......hockey puck? i dropped the cookie on the counter and it make a weird, kind of hollow thud. more like a thunk. it flipped over. it did not sound nor look appetizing. i took a bite. bbbllleeeeeechhh! this is NOT a cookie and it is NOT a cake. it is a dry, bland piece of cowpie! i do not like these things. so, when MM called, i told him what i thought of them. he was speechless. he couldn't believe i hated them. i think i hurt his feelings. not to worry, i told him, i will bring them to work and someone will eat them. they'll eat anything even remotely chocolate. not a total loss.
yes, i hurt his feelings, poor guy.
I agree, they are disgusting. In MM's defense, I bet he doesn't know the pleasure of a good Hostess cake or real chocolate candy considering where he is. Maybe you should bring him some of the fudge-dipped Oreos or something similarly over good. :)
MM would love fudge dipped oreos. he loves all kinds of junkfood. and fast food. i can't bring him anything, though. we have to rely on the vending machines. there is a rumour that we can bring in food from fast food joints to minimum security prisoners but i doubt it.
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