at the library, there are times when just about every circworker is behind the desk. between 2pm and 3pm, the 'night crew' arrives. around 4pm, the day crew leaves. so, for a couple of hours, we have 5 circworkers on the floor, provided no one has called in sick. we need 5 people, because this is often the busiest time of the day. the preteens are messing around, the computers are booked solid, the ILL delivery has arrived and needs unpacking, the ILL's need to be checked in and hold slips printed up, we make hold calls, mom's come in with their kids after school, books and videos need to be shelved (we cannot always rely on the pages) and, if we can get away, we can shelf-read and straighten our shelves. oh yeah, the day workers have to fit in their last breaks. whew! we are busy and we do not have time to sit around on our thumbs.
during all this, today, an old biddy sees us working behind and around the desk. she makes a comment like, "do they really need 5 people? oh, oh!" i didn't hear it myself but others did. now, we actually had SIX people behind the desk because our computer librarian was setting up a brand new computer for circ (we have 3 at the desk). if the biddy bothered to LOOK, she would have seen that we were running around like ants on an anthill. and you know that this woman would be totally pissed if she had to wait more than half a second to check out!
biddy, may you drop that Large Print edition of Nora Roberts' latest piece of trash on your foot and may your children decide you are too much of a bother to care they stick you in the "home".
1 comment:
Right on! Sometimes the meddlesome, don't-know-of-what-they-speak outspoken biddies are trustees on our board, wondering why we have so many people working or why this person isn't wearing their nametag or that person is wearing non-work attire. I could just spit on them. But I don't. I just blog about them.
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