someone writes about PMS:
"The only pre-menstural symptom I have ever had would be sore (.)(.)'ies. The ache so much so that I try not to walk around too much. I have the biggest (.)(.)'ies ever normally but when PMSing, they are HUGE!Usually when I go to the doctors and they ask me whether I have any PMS I say nope, nothing but massive (.)(.)'ies and their reply usually is 'lucky girl'. I always thought that the foul mood thing is just an excuse for us average girls. Oh but I am in shock.....for the 1st time ever I have not had sore (.)(.)'ies but rather I am in the foulest mood E V E R. No reason at all......no arguments at home, not hoping for a BFP as I didn't BD at the right time, DH being as understanding as ever but I have the SHITS. Big time."
lovely! she also has sonogram pics of her twins. what's worse than baby pics? that's right! sonogram pics! and what does walking around have to do with sore titties? does she walk on her tits? are they that massive that she trips on them when she walks? if my doctor called me a 'lucky girl' for having massive, sore breasts, i would kick him in the nuts and say, "my, are your nuts massive and swollen? lucky boy!"
1 comment:
It's amazing that when people have no cogent thoughts in their heads that they feel the need to share those pathetic thoughts and assume others want to read them.
You should have to be approved by ... well, YOU AND ME, to get a blog started. Prove you have something to say that we think is worthy! I dare you! :)
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