Monday, October 16, 2006

Meeting Waverly

briefly met the new guy, Waverly. he has been a patron before. he has been the perpetually happy and enthusiastic patron before and it does not look like he has changed. this guy is always smiling which makes me wonder if he has better medication than i do, or if he is just odd. NO ONE can be happy ALL the time. i am going to have to sudy this guy and see what his secret is. i think i will first work with him thursday morning.
good news! i beat my husband at cards 5-4! he was NOT happy.
he also got a letter from a sister he never knew he had. this is a long story that i will post some other time but i'll just say for now that it was quite an enlightening letter and MM has gotten to know a little bit about his natural family. his biological mother was a real piece of work and as of right now, i hate her. that's terrible because i know so little about her, but from his half-sister's letter, the woman was a whore and a liar. the good news is his half-sister seems normal and well adjusted and is interested in hearing more from MM, so MM wrote a 10 page letter back to her tonight. apparently, his first letter to his uncle caused a firestorm in that family as no one but his biological mother and grandmother knew of either MM's birth or his older brother also given up for adoption. well, someone knew about the first brother but nothing about MM. i hope MM does not get hurt by all of this. apparently, he also had another half-brother who died of leukemia in 1996 and another half sister who is well.
got to get a shower in and watch a movie called Hard Candy because it is due back to Hollywood Video tomorrow. i amy do Hot or Not....or not. 'night!

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