nothing of any consequence happened today inspite of the full moon. apparently, the morning crew got all the crazies. we had an easy night. even the stinky couple smelled less stinky than usual.
i forgot i had a visit with the doctor today, so good thing the receptionist called me last night to remind me. so, this morning i had to call work to let the director know. but the director was taking a phone call, so i spoke with the assistant director. she said she would tell the director. she forgot. that would explain why the director had no clue what i was talking about when i thanked her for letting me keep my appointment. i really do like this doctor...Waseem Khan, a rheumatologist at Landmark (Fogarty). he treats me for my fibro and for the erythromelalgia. he was able to get my pain under control and he has no problem giving me pain meds as long as i see him regularly. he always has some library question for me, too as he does visit our library occasionally. this time, he wanted to know about requesting books from Providence library. if you live in northern RI and need a good rheumatologist or a good psychiatrist, i can give you a couple of phone numbers. it is so hard to get a good doctor now-a-days.
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