Tuesday, July 18, 2006

anemia and Twinkie Lasagna

i saw the doc today and he MADE me an appointment with a hemotologist because my iron or hemocrit or something levels are low and have been steadily getting lower over months. my blood corpuscles are "small". and i guess there are not enough of them. so, next wednesday, i see the anemia doc and he'll give me iron and then i will never be able to eat or shit again because iron pills are hell. iron pills make you shit black tar. gross. that's when you can shit because they cause terrible constipation. fun.
as far as the nausea goes: continue with the Reglan. there is nothing that he can do. i have heard this for years, so i believe it is just the way i have to live.
on a lighter note, i was able to EAT today (a salad) and a piece of Twinkie lasagna made my the computer tech librarian. my stomach hurts but the nausea is a little better.
Twinkie lasagna consists of layers of Twinkies, berries, chocolate and cool whip. i thought it was going to be too much too sweet, but it was very good.

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