here is a movie endorsed by the Vatican, no less! Therese: the true story of Saint Therese of Lisieux. beautifully filmed, lovely score and the sets and costumes were fantastic. the acting was so-so. if i had not already read The Story of a Soul, St Therese's autobiography, i would not have really known what was going on. this movie was made for Catholics, so i presume the filmaker believed his audience would already be familiar with St Therese.
i would recommend reading A Story of a Soul to Catholics and all people looking for a closer relationship with God. Therese believed in the Little Way, becoming a saint through small and lovingly given sacrifices. she truly is a marvelous person and powerful saint. she promised to send a shower of roses from heaven and she has and continues to do so. this is why she is called The Little Flower. she is the most popular saint of our times, canonized in 1925 and made a Doctor of the Church in 1997 by Pope John Paul in a beautiful Vatican ceremony a few years ago.
www.theresemovie.com for movie info.
www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=105 for info about St Therese.
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