Monday, December 05, 2005

i hate mechanics because they LIE

triple A arrived 15 minutes after i posted the last entry. i arrived at the garage around 9:30. i did not leave the goddamn place until 4:15. i cannot even begin to tell you how pissed off i am. i could spit fire. at 1:40, i was told they got a wrong part...the MAJOR part from the parts store which is in Providence. the mechanic said he called for a new one. i asked him if 20 minutes was fair (to wait for the part) and another 1/2 hour to replace the part and he said yes. so, at 2:30, i ask if they were almost done. almost, he said. then, at 3 o'clock, i saw a man hobble in with a box that looked suspiciously like the box that held the wrong part i was shown earlier. i went up to the mechanic and asked, "is that the new part!!" and he sheepishly said, "yea." well, i freakin' flipped! FLIPPED! i told him this was not the first time i was lied to about how long a repair would be and that this was a FULL DAY missed of work...i had missed a full fucking day the last time. he tried to blame it entirely on the autoparts place but i told him it was HIS job to get on the pbone and say, "hey buddy, where's the part i'm waiting for?!" aaaaarrrrrggghhhh! nobody can fucking do their fucking jobs anymore. nobody takes any fucking pride nor responsibility for their work anymore. we are a country full of fuck-ups who only care about the paycheck and not the quality of the work we do. granted, millions of people do not get paid for the very real work they do but many millions more get paid for doing NOTHING and even doing THAT wrong. and it starts with the president and his fucking cronies and the billions they make off of US.
anyway, i got 100 bucks off my bill and i told them, if i do return for any reason, i want the time any work will take written down as well as the estimate for the labor. i don't mind waiting for work, but don't tell me i'll be done in an hour and them make me wait another TWO and a 1/2 hours. assholes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really do hope your car develops an intermittent stalling complaint. And have the car suddenly stall in the path of a transport. I always prefer this with my difficult clients. Oh by the way. We have to qualify clients and you would be towing your car to another shop (dealer) because I don't put up with attitude. If you want your car fixed tone down the attitude or get used to walking more.
