last night, while i was working in the library, some asshole used my car windshield for target practice. i went to the police to file a report today. i waited overnight because: a) i was so upset, i would've got myself arrested and b) i wanted to check for more damage. the police officers were very nice, recorded the damage on digital and took my report. i made sure to tell them that the lights in the library lot were NOT ON and it was pitch dark. i parked away from the building, which i never do, because the closer spots were taken. the shot came from the road...a BB Gun shot. i called my director before i went in today, asked her how many working lights we have and why they were not on (i know why...she always blames "the automatic timer"). she said she would call public works and have them come out ASAP. well, one light went on and off tonight. but that's it. i figure i could give her until the end of the week, then i go to the town and then to the union. part of our contract states we must be able to work in a safe and secure environment. but what does my stupid director care? she leaves at 5pm everyday. oh, did i ever tell you about the robbery in the lot right before christmas? one of our patrons had her side window smashed in and her purse stolen. granted, she left her damn purse on the front seat, but according to the cops, this is a safe town and they are shocked by these TWO incidents. the woman had her purse stolen in broad daylight, too.
so, needless to say, i am pissed. i am calling the town tomorrow to see if they have insurance (yeah, right) to cover some of this. i should not have to eat this cost.
you'd think that the director would have done something after the robbery...made sure the lot was safe by, atleast checking the light (we have 4 in the lot) or something. but, she has political aspirations and does not care about us minions and she does not want to rock the boat. fuck her!
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