Friday, December 16, 2005

pervert alert

we had a creepy patron in the library today. some guy, looked about 59/60. seriouly pale with a feeble, greasy gray ponytail. he was using one of the computer terminals. he came up to the desk and asked me if he could have the library's password to the computer. we need to log in the computers in the morning with a password and whenever some yahoo turns them off (inspite of the mega signs and stickers that read "DO NOT turn off computers!!!!") we have to retype the password to log on again. so, i looked the guy square in the eye and said, "NO!". dipweed. like we just casually hand over the, take the keys to the front door, too. anyway, he didn't want the login password, he wanted the password to unblock the filter (that screens for kinky websites, etc). yeah, i'll hand that right over. so, i got the reference librarian to remove the filter because i can never remember the damn password...we are rarely asked. later, we learned that he was looking at a website called "sex search" or something like that. creep.
yes, i believe people have the right to look at anything they want on the web BUT our monitors are out in the open, for the public to see as they pass by and children use the library, too. if he was still there when the middle school let their brats out (they meet at the library every-freakin-day), i was going to ask him to leave. but, he left before then. one patron, who was using the computer next to him (they are shoulder-to-shoulder as we have NO SPACE FOR ANYTHING!) complained.

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