well, another looong day. i went to work 9 to 5 and after that Hinoserm and i went to do some light but desperate christmas shopping. desperate because i have to have something to mail out to Maniac Mikes mom on monday (say that five times fast). we found everything which is a major relief. we even found the Seraphim Angel that MM always gives to his mom on major holidays...you know, christmas, easter, mom's day and birthday. i have know idea what she does with these angels, she must have 30 by now! when MM finds a good thing, he sticks to it and never waivers. like poptarts. the last 5 visits there have been poptarts in the vending machines and he has eaten them each day. the last time i ate a poptart was, oh, fifteen years ago. poptarts five days in a row is called an addiction! step AWAY from the poptart, back up slowly, admit you are weak and give it up to a higher power.
my mother is getting a Pope for christmas.
so, what's up with CompUsa? why is it every time Hino and i, or Hino and his aunt go anywhere Hino always has to stop at a compusa? i swear, we'd be out in east japeepee and he'd say, "i need to stop at CompUsa" and i'd think that there couldn't possible be a CompUsa within 25 miles of here and low and behold, around the bend is a CompUsa. like he has all the locations memorized OR the store miraculously materializes to fill his need. this is also and addiction...step away from the CompUsa, back up slowly, admit you are powerless, etc.
Poptarts are great. They have 7 essential vitamins and nutrients...
hi Amey. thanks for the link to my blog! i think we've both been around since October, right? still a little new to me. good work on your blog! in RI, we also drop our R's but we also add them where the don't belong. instead of 'Brenda bought a blender' we say 'Brender bought a blendah'. and, of course, we never 'park our cars'. we 'pahk our cahs'!
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