Friday, December 30, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005
two patrons
thank you's
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
a patronly good night
fired upon
no card, no ID, bad back
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
the stinky couple
one size fits all?
yankee candles

Monday, December 26, 2005
my car

Big Fat Mark update
Mr Big Ass
well, lately, Mr Big Ass has been borrowing books on backpacking and hiking and vegetarian cooking. right. he must be planning to back pack from the fridge to the chair infront of the TV. i can't see him in the woods on a trail. sheesh. i often wish i could see into other peoples lives. but, if i did, i would probably have a whole lot of sympathy for them and that would ruin my 'piss on the world' attitude and then what would i have to complain about?
2006 delayed by one second
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Godzilla skeleton found!

(so, maybe it's really Godzilla's South American cousin?)
new rings, new moons for your anus

oops! i meant to say, "Uranus"
cell phones
Lost and found: gloves
good reading for christmas
poptart demise
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Underwear Gnome
Christmas Eve, polish style
four things
a list of "four things":
- It's a Wonderful Life
- Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (w/Gene Wilder)
- The Wizard of Oz
- Miracle on 34th Street
four places i've visited on vacation:
- Maui (Haleakala Crater)
- Italy (Rome, Genoa, Venice)
- The Statue of Liberty
- France (Quimpere, Nice, Paris)
four pizza favorite pizza toppings:
- black olives
- artichoke
- mushrooms
- green peppers
four costumes i've worn for Halloween:
- vampiress
- snow woman
- witch
- clown trampled by circus elephants
four favorite beverages:
- IBC Creme and Rootbeer Soda
- Newport Creamery Vanilla Cabinet
- Johnny Rocket's Cherry Cokes
- Chi Chi's (only in Hawaii)
four favorite resaurants:
- Newport Creamery (RI)
- Johnny Rockets (everywhere)
- Steak and Shake (Florida)
- Pattie's Chinese Kitchen (Hawaii)
four websites i visit daily:
- Unknown Country
- Coast To Coast AM
- Happyville Library
- CNN, MSNBC, Turn to 10, BBC (news)
four favorite desserts:
- Hot Fudge Banana Sundae at Newport Creamery
- Eclairs fro Wright's Dairy Farm
- Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Donuts
- that hot fried cheescake thing at Applebee's
idea stolen from I'm Thinking, I'm Thinking at
Jackass penguin

this is a jackass penguin, so named because they bray like donkeys. this would be Toga fully grown. i understand that $13,000 has been raised as reward money. i don't have much hope. Maniac Mike told me that he has seen Toga's parents on the news. the father keeps looking in the nest. what must they be thinking? the poor things!
Friday, December 23, 2005
dreaming about bad patrons
Every Person on the Planet

Wednesday, December 21, 2005
stolen penguin

food for fines
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
asteroid headed our way

an asteroid is headed our way and will hit the earth in 31 years. The asteroid, named Apophis after the ancient egyptian spirit of evil and destruction, was discovered in June. the impact, which could occur in 2036 (or as early as 2031) would release 100,000 times the energy of the bomb the US dropped on Hiroshima during WWII. no area of the earth would be unaffected. we would all experience the effects of a nuclear winter.
thieves in the library
big fat mark
Monday, December 19, 2005
typos and brain farts
- to= too, two
- half=have
- know=no
- asshole=Bush
- and=an
- the=they
there are many more, but these are my most frequent typos. i also cannot spell and i don't know how to use the spellcheck (i don't know which is more pathetic). so, bear (bare) with me.
poptart update

happy holy moly day
food for fines
tennis ball lady update
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Sirius A and B
big bible lady (not for the easily offended)
question of the day
Saturday, December 17, 2005
christmas comping
Friday, December 16, 2005
pervert alert
Dummies for Dummies
Thursday, December 15, 2005
question of the day
i anticipate hell freezing over for the morning commute tomorrow...since they are now predicting rain, temps in the 40's with thunderstorms, maybe an inch of snow...or 100% "chance" of rain, sleet, ice. who comes up with this stuff? i invision a Twister spin card with triangles labelled "snow", "partly cloudy", "pigs flying", "frog spawn falling from the sky". spin the arrow, that's the forecast. it would be more accurate, too
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
brain fog
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Bush in a bubble?

today, Bush said he did not live in "a bubble". he knows what's going on. he reads newspapers, but "not every single article". he watches news "clips". well, i think the President should be watching more than 30 second clips and soudbites. just because that's all he can manage to spit out of his mouth doesn't mean he's excused from doing his homework. when are we going to impeach this asshole? i am HOPING for a draft because that is probably the only thing that will wake up the American population. you thing all the yuppie, white, young american republicans would go for a draft? you think all the Bible colleges want to lose their students? hell no! so, dear W, try and draft our asses and you'll finally get yours kicked.
long day
Sunday, December 11, 2005
question of the day
snow hater
tennis ball lady update
another regular visitor...Big Bible Lady...said she felt sooooooo sorry for her. the Captain, Captain Corn Cob Up the Ass, stood behind both of us while we waitied in the alcove for the second sliding door to close, and Big Bible Lady said to him, "doesn't she look awful, poor thing." the Captain grunted. BBL added, "she must have had a bad fall." and the captain said, "i'm glad she didn't fall HERE!"
yep. because she would have SUED the department of corrections. i wonder if she plans on suing the hospital?
when Mike first told me that her husband said she had a fall, i thought that was a cover may still be. one of her sons likes beating on her and the last time she came in black and blue, it was because he "pushed" her against a wall. she had big, nasty, crusty round marks on her arms. i'm curious to hear the story from her own mouth.
by the way, Big Bible Lady is so named because, at each visit, she runs to the books and games cabinet in the visitor room to get the biggest bible. it is BIG. her husband is the old twerp (5'4" and maybe 110 lbs) who was going around telling eveyone Maniac Mike is a devil worshipper. Mike is a witch, a Pagan who does not even believe in the christian devil. and the last thing MM would do would be to spread unfounded rumors about anothers religious beliefs, preferring to be left alone himself. however, MM is not adverse to punching the twerps lights out. boy, i would like to see that.
Friday, December 09, 2005
air marshal shooting
i hate snow
i shovelled. i hate shovelling. i hate snow. even when i can stay at home, i hate it. last winter was FULL of, listen up God! i don't want another winter like that!
like He listens to me. right.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
prison visitors
that is an actual line from one of the visitors that comes to see an inmate at the prison. Maniac Mike and i have dubbed her The Tennis Ball Lady because she had tennis balls stuck to the legs of her walker. when i first met her, i had no idea why she needed a walker as she walked much faster and steadier than i did. turns out she falls a lot from diabetes or something. she has fallen out of bed on many occasions and she just loves to regale us with her "i'm so sick, poor me" stories. whenever she gets even the slightest boo-boo, all her doctors confer and agree that she's a remarkable specimen and they can't figure out why she is still alive. "i should be dead" is her rallying cry. a few months ago she graduated from walker to cane to nothing and now she has a cane again. she does seem shakier than ever.
this lady has been trying to get me into a conversation for the 2 years i've been visiting Mike. whenever she does manage to catch me next to her and without a book, she tries to talk to me. TO ME. not with me. her conversation is all about HER and HER problems and medical maladies and her fucked up sons who want nothing to do with her and how she thinks having to come to every visit is too much and she doesn't like to drive at night...blah, blah blah, blah, blah. i hate her.
she reminds me of the old witch in Hansel and Gretel...the one who ate the children. yuck.
Monday, December 05, 2005
i hate mechanics because they LIE
Thursday, December 01, 2005
christmas "party"
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
two lovely cats

this is Paris....................................................................and Midge.
Monday, November 28, 2005
10 items or less or No Shop Shaw's
Sunday, November 27, 2005
- eaten a handful of monterey jack and pepper Doritos. too spicey for me.
- talked with my husband on the phone, twice.
- drank one bottle of IBC creme soda.
- worked a crossword online. took me 15 minutes but i chose the easier level.
- briefly browsed through some blogs on Blogwise.
- read 1/2 of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. i can't believe how much of it i have forgotten.
- debated whether i should go out for a burger as i'm having cravings for one. very rare of me to crave meat. i may just pop over to Wendy's later but right now, i am too lazy to get dressed and wander out into the cold.
fascinating life i have. yesterday, before my 6pm visit, i purchased some christmas cards at Hallmark. i was surprised that i got 6 bucks off my purchase. have no idea why. i must spend, easily, a couple hundred bucks a year on cards and stationary and another couple on postage. i TRY to send a letter or two a day to Maniac Mike and he writes me everyday, too. stamps are going up to 39 cents in january and i'm just a tad pissed at that. but i really can't complain about the service. i go to the Manville PO exclusively. i have a box there, for one thing and for another, and more importantly, the staff is wondeful. they know their patron's by name and are always friendly and accurate and willing to help.
i'm going back to my reading. maybe later, i'll blog browse and look for kitties. see ya.