Sunday, November 27, 2005


well, it's sunday and my last day off. i have:
  • eaten a handful of monterey jack and pepper Doritos. too spicey for me.
  • talked with my husband on the phone, twice.
  • drank one bottle of IBC creme soda.
  • worked a crossword online. took me 15 minutes but i chose the easier level.
  • briefly browsed through some blogs on Blogwise.
  • read 1/2 of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. i can't believe how much of it i have forgotten.
  • debated whether i should go out for a burger as i'm having cravings for one. very rare of me to crave meat. i may just pop over to Wendy's later but right now, i am too lazy to get dressed and wander out into the cold.

fascinating life i have. yesterday, before my 6pm visit, i purchased some christmas cards at Hallmark. i was surprised that i got 6 bucks off my purchase. have no idea why. i must spend, easily, a couple hundred bucks a year on cards and stationary and another couple on postage. i TRY to send a letter or two a day to Maniac Mike and he writes me everyday, too. stamps are going up to 39 cents in january and i'm just a tad pissed at that. but i really can't complain about the service. i go to the Manville PO exclusively. i have a box there, for one thing and for another, and more importantly, the staff is wondeful. they know their patron's by name and are always friendly and accurate and willing to help.

i'm going back to my reading. maybe later, i'll blog browse and look for kitties. see ya.

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