okay, so we know you are not starving and have a tv and family that gives a shit about you. so fucking what. i want to see pictures of turkeys splatted on floors and food fights between in-laws and wives smacking their lazy ass husbands upside the head and yelling at them to get in the damn kitchen and help clean up the mess.
i am bitter, yes. i had an Nestle iced tea in a can and peanut M&M's with my husband at our thanksgiving day visit. of course, i am happy we HAD a visit...it just so happened to fall on today. then, i went home and had Green Giant rice pilaf from the microwave for my dinner. i was invited to family dinner, but i hate the arguing and i hate the fact that i am never really able to participate. my mother always says something hurtful to me, and she still doesn't know that i am MARRIED so i have to hide my wedding band. yes, i have a fucked up family life and yes, i am depressed about it. i am sure that i am not alone here. if you have a similar or even WORSE family life, then i give you big Kudos for hanging on. keep hanging on, okay? and, if you, like me, get seriously depressed during the holidays...they pass. just hang on with me and we'll make it through this season as we always have. maybe with a few too many pills and a little too much alchohol and some illegal drugs and, in my case, lots of shiney razorblades, we'll pull through. if no one else will, i will give you LOTS OF CREDIT just for plugging along. you are thought of even if it's from an anonymous blogger in cyberspace...and i'm hear to listen. thanks for listening to me!
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