this is the seventh book in the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series. Laurell K Hamilton's writing gets better as she writes more books. i am reading this series mostly because my husband is a big fan of Hamiltons. there is so much action in these books that it actually tires me out. and almost all her men are "beautiful"...not handsome, but girlishly beautiful. i'm not big on beautiful men. i like my men to look like MEN. still, these books are fun and easy to read...no thinking required. it bothers me that the likes of JD Robb aka Nora Roberts would praise these books. normally, i would not read anything associated with the junk Nora Roberts writes. all those old- lady- reader writers suck...Danielle Steel, Maeve Binchey, Fern Michaels, Jackie Collins, Barbara Delinsky...nothing i would ever, ever read. god, if i am ever seen reading Danielle Steel, someone please pluck my eyeballs out because i'd just be abusing then anyway!
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