now, now...nothing to see here. just move right along and let me do all the the droolin'!
did anyone see him on the BBC's Celebrity Big Brother? i didn't even know about it. Maniac Mike is addicted to Big Brother here in the US, but i don't know how he'd like this one. all i heard this season was Big Brother! Big Brother! i was getting an Orwellian complex!!
in one blurb on the net, it was mentioned that DB didn't wash for 4 days. hmmm. odd behavior+hot guy=still do-able in my book. if i go 4 days without a shower it means i am having serious issues! i hate having dirty hair...i can't sleep until it's shampooed. and i hate have another...er...dirty bit. y'know? we actually discussed this subject at circ after the kiddy librarian read to us from a mens magazine. she read that sometimes men get dandruff around their naughty bits (god, i love Monty Python). the article said it could be relieved by shampooing with a dandruff shampoo. then i mentioned that there are times when i'm too lazy to go brazilian, i use shampoo, too. why not?? then certain staff got embarrassed and kept saying, "this is not an appropriate topic to discuss at circ." well, sure it is. behind the circ desk, anything goes (as long as the director doesn't hear us)!
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