Wednesday, November 30, 2005
two lovely cats
this is Paris....................................................................and Midge.
Monday, November 28, 2005
10 items or less or No Shop Shaw's
Sunday, November 27, 2005
- eaten a handful of monterey jack and pepper Doritos. too spicey for me.
- talked with my husband on the phone, twice.
- drank one bottle of IBC creme soda.
- worked a crossword online. took me 15 minutes but i chose the easier level.
- briefly browsed through some blogs on Blogwise.
- read 1/2 of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. i can't believe how much of it i have forgotten.
- debated whether i should go out for a burger as i'm having cravings for one. very rare of me to crave meat. i may just pop over to Wendy's later but right now, i am too lazy to get dressed and wander out into the cold.
fascinating life i have. yesterday, before my 6pm visit, i purchased some christmas cards at Hallmark. i was surprised that i got 6 bucks off my purchase. have no idea why. i must spend, easily, a couple hundred bucks a year on cards and stationary and another couple on postage. i TRY to send a letter or two a day to Maniac Mike and he writes me everyday, too. stamps are going up to 39 cents in january and i'm just a tad pissed at that. but i really can't complain about the service. i go to the Manville PO exclusively. i have a box there, for one thing and for another, and more importantly, the staff is wondeful. they know their patron's by name and are always friendly and accurate and willing to help.
i'm going back to my reading. maybe later, i'll blog browse and look for kitties. see ya.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Saturday, November 26, 2005
dumb patrons
we have a policy at the library that states patrons must rewind their videocassettes or be charged 25 cents. (why is there no damn cents symbol on my keyboard?). the scene: patron steps up to the counter to check out materials. card is scanned. "you have a small fine of 25 cents for an unrewound video." "oh", says the patron, "aren't these new videos self-rewinding?"
patron steps up to the return desk and hands me 4 DVD's. "i rewound these", he says.
we have a policy at the library that patrons must present their library cards to use our internet/computers. thirteen year old girl steps up to the counter, "can i use a computer?" card is scanned. "you have $2.75 in fines, just to let you know". "what?", shouts the girl, "that's not a credit card. how can i have money on it?" "no, you have fines." "what are fines?", asks the twit. "you returned some books late and we fined you for them." "oh, i'll bring in the money on monday, if i'm here."
i kid you not.
mermaid dream
sex slaves nyc
hi. here i am on a saturday afternoon, working on my blog. oh, i guess i could be out shopping (NOT!) with the crowds...who the HELL would find that enjoyable?
Friday, November 25, 2005
weeping Mary
male bordello
Thursday, November 24, 2005
turkey day
make poverty GO AWAY
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
videocassettes to go bye bye
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
cotton candy
do you remember the days at carnivals and amusement parks where cotton candy was spun infront of you, spun onto a white paper cone? that was magical to me. pure delight. i could've done without the sticky fingers, but i managed! now don't get me started on candy apples.
blogging questions
can i see your kitty?
Sunday, November 20, 2005
this is a wonderful children's book all about mobile libraries for children around the globe. books are delivered by boat, camel, elephant and 1,000's of books are trekked long distances through jungles just to get them in the hands of children who LOVE them! we don't know how lucky we are in the western world, to have access to so much information...and not just the internet but BOOKS. real, honest to goodness paper books! if you have a kid and love libraries, please check this book out!
this is the seventh book in the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series. Laurell K Hamilton's writing gets better as she writes more books. i am reading this series mostly because my husband is a big fan of Hamiltons. there is so much action in these books that it actually tires me out. and almost all her men are "beautiful"...not handsome, but girlishly beautiful. i'm not big on beautiful men. i like my men to look like MEN. still, these books are fun and easy to thinking required. it bothers me that the likes of JD Robb aka Nora Roberts would praise these books. normally, i would not read anything associated with the junk Nora Roberts writes. all those old- lady- reader writers suck...Danielle Steel, Maeve Binchey, Fern Michaels, Jackie Collins, Barbara Delinsky...nothing i would ever, ever read. god, if i am ever seen reading Danielle Steel, someone please pluck my eyeballs out because i'd just be abusing then anyway!
visit these blogs
this is a picture of Ziggy from has a super cool blog called Haunt Me. lots of lists and haunting pictures and words. weird news...did you know Vermont suceeded from the union in October? want to know what MIT found out about tinfoil hats? go here! not sure what i think of this blogger, but she is leading an interesting life trekking/hitchhiking around the country.
bush falling among bubbles
---Adam Christing
power vampires
alaskan bird rescue
this is an Alaskan bird rescue site. i love the work they are doing even though i have a nasty hawk problem. my prairie dog's house was on a table by a large window and one day a HUGE hawk smashed into the window. the hawk did this three times. we called animal control and were told "it's illegal to shoot them". duh. didn't want to shoot it but did want to know if it would break through the window. the animal control officer told us to put X's of masking tape on the window and move "the guinea pig". well, we put tape on the windows but fuck, why should Queequeg lose his prime viewing spot because of a dumb, hungry hawk? we pushed him back from the window and left the blinds down until someone was around to keep and eye out for the damn hawk. now that queequeg has passed away, guess what? the hawk flew into the window again! just a dumb bird after all. see this site
Thursday, November 17, 2005
the Devil's Rejects
i just got through watching the Devil's Rejects unrated version. i can't see why it was pulled from theatres. it wasn't any worse than House of a Thousand Corpses, really. i'm not sure whether i liked the movie or not. i can say i liked House a hell of a lot more. that clown is so gross, it made me sick watching him. i kind of like Otis, though. if he cleaned himself up a bit and stopped sleeping with rotting corpses, he might not be that bad. i would love to hear what you might think of the movie and especially whether you prefered House or Devil. on a whole, i give this movie ///.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
the Devil's Rejects
hello again, hello
i have also started writing my own book. i've had several ideas in my head and have written down many many notes but i have never actually sat down and "begun". so, i have begun. i won't be sharing it here, atleast not for long while. i don't fell confident enough to share.
well, Halloween has come and gone but i still live in a halloween bedroom. the decor doesn't's halloween all year round. we finally finished off the halloween candy at work. we had pounds and pounds of it! i'm sure this contributed to my gallbladder trouble somewhat. also, i was drinking coffee like mad with lots of cream. i have given up coffee for a month. i did it for my deceased prairie dog who is not happy with the lack of attention he's getting in heaven. i warned them that he was extra demanding. so, i've given up coffee to commiserate. i can have it again on December 10th. it's just a mini-lent kind of thing.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
house with bride
Thursday, November 03, 2005
three movies
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
mommie blog madness
where's my muse?
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Halloween Movies
Bewitched...cute, but not like the tv series. hated the actor who played Uncle Arthur but the actress who played Aunt Clara was not too bad. i can't stand Will Ferret (sic) at all! my favorite part of the movie was Kidman's wardrobe. ///
House of Wax...the original. i'm a sucker for Vincent Price movies. i grew up with them. this HoW still stands the test of time. don't expect much gore. ////
House of Wax...2005. excellent movie. loved the special effects and the concept of an actual house made of wax. creepy, gorey, excellent Halloween movie. also, Paris Hilton gets skewered in the head!!! for that alone, i give it /////
Ice ancient woman is found. Pleistocene era chick. she's kidnapped and the plane goes down in a ski resort village. the crash causes an avalanche and the resort is covered in snow. several people are inside. the Pleistocene bitch turns into an ice woman/creature that goes on a killing spree. this movie is terrible. in one scene, the "hero" fights the ice queen in the kitchen. they have already been in a frozen building for over an hour yet the hero find a pan of boiling hot water to throw on the creature. no why is the water so hot? also, the ancient ice queen knew how to use a doorknob and knows that milk is in a carton and she knows how to open it and drink from it. there were cows and dairies in the pleistocene? right. this movie gets NO SLASHES for stupididty.