i have made another blog. i am still going to post here, but less often. i am going to clean this one up and make it 'purdy, though.
find me at: http://sammonicuslux.blogspot.com/
Sunday, February 17, 2008
that would be Right Reverend to YOU!

yippeee-skippeee! i have been ordained! yep, like thousands of others, i have been ordained by the Good Folks over at the Universal Life Church (http://www.ulchq.com/) for FREE! i can now legally (in most states) perform marriages, baptisms, funeral rites, blessings and excorcisms. well, they didn't mention excorcisms, but that's what i want to do and why i really wanted the ordination.
i would like to tell you that i feel renewed but i still feel like me, only holier. and you know what is really awesome about being a reverend? every time i sneeze and say, "Bless me", that's exactly what i will be doing. cool.
ps: don't worry. i will not turn into a Fesus Jreak
Saturday, February 16, 2008

i just realized something(s): the last post was very poorly typed AND 'Artemis' is a GIRL's name!!!! (see Hino's comment to previous post). Artemis aka Diana, Goddess of the hunt, the moon and lots of other things was a FEMALE! so, Ned is a poofster! a tofty! NOT Rammestein after all! (poor thing). oh, how i love making fun of the Germans.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Seg, tonsils and REALLY bad news
first, the REALLY bad news: Dox's mom passed away 3 days ago and Hino did not tell us until today. so we feel really bad because we would have atleast sent flowers or, if needed, money. she had been sick for a very long time but that doesn't mean it is less of a shock to loved ones.
Maniac Mike is in Seg. he got caught with a broken razor blade that he had in a book. he would use the 2 pieces of the blade to light cigarettes using batteries. he will be in Seg until the 25th of this month. both Popeye and i told him to ditch the blades when he had no cigarettes but he is his own stubborn self (as, i guess, he should be) and got caught. Seg means he lost his single cell, had all his shit removed, cannot call or get visits. he can get mail and newspapers and can still place store orders (from a select group of items.) this is his first time in Seg while in RI. i don't feel sorry for him, but Angel is so bothered by not getting her phone calls that i thing she is depressed.
i have a brand new, never before experienced illness...WOW...YAHOOIE! something new to make life interesting. my tonsils are exuding liquid of some sort. it has some connection to my lymph system. my throat hurts really bad one day, and the next, it's not too bad. i was originally prescribed azythromycin in pill form, but that triggered the Celiac Monster so i was switched to liquid and that's fine. now, i wait.
hoping to register to vote at the Town Hall in the town where i now live tomorrow. (terrible grammar!)
no good news today, sorry.
Friday, February 01, 2008
Nick and Ned
why do Hino's dogs EAT EVERYTHING?!!! and who would name their dogs Nick (Saint or Nearly-Headless?) and Ned (Nancy Drew's love interest)? why not Du Hast and Wolfenstein? or Ozzie and Ozzy? would be easy to call them. one reason i never let Hino name the pets was that he always wanted to name the Fred or Tom. MM wanted to pugs and he wants to name them Walt and Gladys. WTF??
by the way...a former male part-timer is coming back. we all dread this. we also got a new part time children's room librarian and his name is either Pete, Paul or Patrick depending on whom you ask. he has a really big head. size-wise. large for his body type. practically alien. i guess they finally found me at work!
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