well, i had bronchitis for a while and then i pulled a chest muscle from coughing and the wednesday night before Christmas one of my broken teeth began to hurt like bloody hell. the next morning i went to the dentist and found that i had an abscess and quite an infection. this was with Dr Dominga, not my regular dentist. he prescribed me antibiotics, but after reading my hastily scrawled list of medications, said he would not give me pain pills. narcotics. nada. i told him i already took a Tylenol with Codeine from my mom which did SHIT and just how was i supposed to LIVE with the massive pain in my head? the asshole was too "cautious" to prescribe me anything and told me to either a) go to the emergency room (for 100 bucks, wait hours to get WHAT precisely?) or b) call my own doctor. i asked HIM to call my doctor. i could barely talk, let alone THINK straight. nope. so, when i got home, i called Dr Khan, who handles the fibro and BEGGGED him for something for the tooth pain explaining that i had taken EVERYTHING (literally, every type of medication i had) and nothing worked. so, he gave me 15 Vicodins . so, with those and some old Ativans i had left over, i finally slept. the next day, the pills did not work as well and after about 6 Vicodins, they just started making me nauseaus. i guess the combo of no food, pain, pills and antibiotics is a good for losing weight because i have dropped one full size since the start of december. YEAH!!!!!
we shall not discuss Christmas, the New Year or the fact that, come January 2nd, i will have to work 3 more hours a week. we WILL mention the massive retro pay i received on the 22nd (well, not MASSIVE, but nice).
i must mention that the weekend weather girl for WJAR has moved on up to Boston which has totally thrown my husband for a loop. if he isn't talking about Dale Jr he is talking about Dylan Dreyer and her hot skirts and tight sweaters.
i must also mention that i have beaten my husband at cards 3 visits in a row and he isn't happy. and if he says, "i will defeat you Ricky Bobby" to me one more time, i will HURT him!
otherwise, my root canal was begun wednesday but i'm still infected so we only went so far. my dentist is Dr Sanciago and he is very nice and never hurts me. i asked him to give me as much novacaine as he could without actually killing me and he said, "shoot her up!" i wish i could say my tooth no longer hurts, but it is sore and tastes awful and the infection is hurting my jawline. next visit is tuesday.
so, that has really been all there has been for the past 20-something days. lots of pain but atleast i lost the weight!